Tuesday, May 27, 2008

So proud of me!!!!!!

Dear Friends,

I am so proud of me...and not in a braggart type of way...but in a "I'm living my dream!!" type of way!!!!!!! I am jumping for joy here, as silly as I look, haha!




If it is to be it is up to me! said...

Hi May! I totally feel like jumping for joy too! It's contagious!

How have you been? I'm working on my last 19.4 pounds now but I already feel like I've accomplished my big goal. What a relief!

Have a great weekend!

J Duarte said...

Awesome Picture! Woo Hoo!

You look so great! Stay away from philly cheese :)

Denise said...

Hey you don't look silly @ all gurl be happy i'd be jumping too if i could lol