Saturday, January 12, 2008

Proud of my accomplishment

Hi Friends,

I, tonight, glanced in the mirror and re-realized that "I am doing this...I am eating well...I am at a normal weight...and I look and feel good!!" I remembered the feelings from the past of, "I'll never be able to control my eating...I'll never be thin...I'll never look good again." Now, after a total of almost seven months, I can is NOT EASY to stop eating- to NOT overeat, but it is EASIER...and making the portions small has become habitual; you must hold out and stretch yourself to the limit because for the first few or more months, it may seem impossible...I have cried, spoken to my JC chat friends, and in the end made a great decision through the roughest times of overeating desire to get here. Presently, I really feel so proud of myself. I am so proud of myself for making a conscious effort to eat carefully and well, for letting myself get to this point. Pass failure to get to success.




MaryJoNM said...

May, what a triumph!
Weight loss and a wonderful attitude.
I couldn't be prouder of you.
Take care.
Mary Jo

If it is to be it is up to me! said...

Hi May!

That is what I call solid progress! Keep up the good work! And by the way, you look amazing!


Courtney said...

You are my inspiration!!
I am blessed to have you as my friend.
Much Love, Courtney

J Duarte said...

Good Job May!